30 July 2008

Slow & steady wins the race

I remember as a child being told to chew my food. I have no idea why children were instructed to follow this mealtime rule. But today's children are always in a hurry to eat their meals as fast as possible so that they can catch up with their next activities, be it tuition, music, or any other extra-curricular activities.

According to several studies, thorough chewing - 15 to 20 times per bite - foods starts to break down before it reaches your stomach, making it easier for stomach acids & enzymes to finish up the job. Also, focusing in this manner serves to reduce stress that can sometimes exacerbate acid reflux.

Other studies show that careful chewing can help people reduce weight. The reason for this is that the stomach & small intestine signal the brain when the body has been fed & doesn't need more. But it takes about 15 minutes for the message to arrive. Slow eaters are able to receive & then act on this message.

One way to correct the eating habit is by turning mealtime into more of a ceremony. Savor the color, texture, smell & the taste of your foods - afterall, you are nourishing your body & honoring it in the process.

20 July 2008

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14 July 2008

7 Surprises...

7 Surprises to Look Out for While Your Child Grows...

1 Your child will say "I love you"
2 Your child will get too big for your lap
3 Your child will want time alone
4 Your child will teach you a thing or two
5 Your child will hurt your feelings
6 Your child will show true bravery
7 Your child will make you a better person